
Lawrence Li

硅谷史專家 Leslie Berlin Troublemakers: Silicon Valley’s Coming of Age的序言裏寫⁠道

I once saw Zuckerberg eating dinner in the same hidden corner of a low-key Palo Alto Mexican restaurant where, years before, I had seen (Steve) Jobs. Zuckerberg was in the same seat, at the same table, sitting, as Jobs had, alone, his back to the window.

多年前知乎上那個我應該買一對和 Mark Zuckerberg 同款球鞋來激勵自己嗎的問題可以塵埃落定了日文表達學習獲取知識的一個詞叫ける讓知識和技能附身的方法是讓原本攜帶這些知識和技能的宿主附身自然附身之後妳會變成什麼東西就是另一個問題了從這個意義上說就算 Dynamicland 胎死腹中或者我有生之年見不到也並不遺憾任何人都可以讓它背後的譜系附⁠身
